Friday, July 30, 2010

Change (It is a comin')

So, don't I feel somewhat silly now? I finally decide to establish a page for blogging, and I never touch the thing for months. Oh well. So, I present some upcoming changes to this little slice of one's unmitigated access to my life...

-Moar poasts
Obvious enough...

-A facelift of sorts
I'm not very fond of Blogger's design and layout features, but I know several people who are...

-Some sort of attempt to connect with people who actually follow this claptrap
As of now, I have two followers, who just so happen to be the same person (crickets)

So, like the perpetual construction that seems to go on Grounds, there will always be tweeks minor and major within life and ergo, to this weblog. Perhaps on some day farflung into the future, I will have to use more than one to count how many "subscribers" I have.

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